Analysis of Waqf Deeds of Mulla Women in Mazandaran Province during the Qajar Era (1264-1344 AH) (Barforoush, Sari, Ashraf, Amol, and Noor Districts)

Document Type : ..


1 Ph.D., History of Islamic Iran, Department of History, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Hamidreza Arianfar, assistant professor, Iranology Foundation, Tehran, Iran



The waqf endowments of Mulla women stand as a crucial source for examining the social, economic, cultural, and religious landscape of Qajar Iran. Among the diverse groups that engaged in waqf practices during this era, Mulla women hold particular significance. Analyzing the content of their waqf deeds not only counters the marginalization of women's roles but also sheds light on the prevalence of waqf among them and their contributions to social and cultural endeavors. This study, employing content analysis and in-depth examination of waqf deeds from Mulla women in Mazandaran province, delves into their social status, the number and types of their endowments, and their intended uses. The findings reveal that Mulla women's waqfs primarily consisted of land, residential houses, shops, and gardens, allocated for purposes such as mourning ceremonies, charities, and public welfare. Additionally, the deeds provide insights into the occupations of Mulla women, predominantly as reciters and organizers of mourning ceremonies, while their fathers and husbands were employed as butchers, prayer leaders, scholars, and painters. The social roles of their fathers and husbands encompassed titles such as Mulla, Agha, Ustad, and Karbalai.
