Anti - colonial policies and actions of Islamic schools of thought in India in the 19 th century

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1 Is a postdoctoral researcher in the history department of arak university

2 Assistant professor in the history department of arak university

3 Assistant professor of the history department of arak university



The years of the 19th century are considered very important in terms of the dominance of the western colonial powers over some Islamic lands and the subsequent efforts of the religious scholars and political leaders of those countries in dealing with the new phenomenon of colonization and westernization of the masses. In Greater India, this role and influence is due to several reasons. The emergence of three schools of intellectual revival of Islam, namely Deoband, Aligarh and Nadwa Ulama in this century and the anti-colonial positions of each, which gradually led to the fall of the old British colonialism in that system, is worthy of attention and has been the motivation for future research. In this article, first of all, the background and context of the presence and continuation of the establishment of colonialism in India is discussed, then the three schools of religious revivalism in India in the 19th century are introduced in the historical order of their establishment, prevalence and activity, and the anti-colonial policies and measures of each are discussed separately. It is described and analyzed.


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