A Study of Ghaznavids’ Leadership Traits in Literary Works

Document Type : ..


1 M.A. in Persian Language and Literature, Ilam University

2 Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Jahrom University

3 Assistant Professor in State Management, University of Tehran

4 M.A. in Sociology, Ilam University,


Traitleadershiptheory is one of the theories of leadership in management whichsuggests that leaders must possesscertain personality traits superior than their followers’ such as intelligence, social maturity, comprehensive vision, achievement motivation, interpersonal skills, communication skills, and good appearance. This research studies literary and historical works from a management point of viewin order to answer the question as to whether Ghaznavid kings and their agents displayed the above leadership traits.
The theoretical model in this research is the trait leadership theory. The results show that Ghaznavids had traits such as intelligence, comprehensive vision, achievement motivation, communication skills, good appearance, and interpersonal skills and were not entirely devoid of these traits.
