The influence of women’s organized - state activity on the cultural, social and cultural status of Dashtestan County were based on new documents (1965 - 1979)

Document Type : ..


1 Department of History - Faculty of Literature and Humanities - Tehran University - Bushehr - Iran

2 Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies



With the formation of the supreme council of women’s councils in 1338, all female societies were covered by the council. In Dashtestan County, the supreme council began working in 1965. After the dissolution of the council, the Borazjan women’s organization was established in 1971 and was transferred to the osce all facilities of the supreme council. Abstract the present research question is to investigate and explain the activities of the supreme council and womens organization in the period of 1979 - 1979. In this study, we have tried to answer the main question by using descriptive - analytical method and using the main sources of library, archival records and oral history, which has an impact on the cultural, social and cultural status of women?
the results of the study show that organised - law and womens organizations by organising literacy classes , training classes , legal and family counseling have led them to improve their status and enhance their cultural , social and cultural status by placing public opinion on their cultural and cultural attitudes .
Keywords: The Supreme Council of Women, the Women’s Organization, Women Dashtestan, Local Committees, Family Welfare Centres.


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