Astronomical-Cosmic Approach of Mulla Jalal in Historiography of Abbasi History

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1 h

2 Department of Historic, Ilam university, Ilam, Iran.


Historiography cannot be properly studied and understood without the influence of other sciences or social and political spheres. The importance of this issue is due to the study of Mulla Jalal Manjemizadi's historiographical insight in the history of Abbasi (Mullah Jalal newspaper), a small part of the cultural life of Iran and especially the Safavid era (1135-1905 AH). It makes it clear. Since Mulla Jalal's historiography and historiography is based on principles that we have rarely seen in Iranian historiography. Based on this, it can be said that in the history of Abbasi (Mulla Jalal newspaper), the components of acceptability, legitimacy and legitimacy are based on cosmic and astronomical explanations as well as religious beliefs, which make this work one of the other works. Asr Safavi has distinguished. Therefore, it seems necessary to be aware of Mulla Jalal's historical vision and thought in recognizing the historical developments of this period. Accordingly, the authors have tried to analyze the relationship between historical facts and astronomy, astronomy and cosmology, and doctrinal thought in Mulla Jalal's historiographical insight into Abbasid history with a descriptive-analytical approach. .
The claimant claims that: Although the idea of ​​Mulla Jalal's historiography in Abbasid history, like other sources gy, which included the court's astronomer, he linked history with astronomy and astronomy, the result of which was the use of the Qur'an in components such aon astronomy a linear history, promising, destiny-oriented and rationalist, and the need to observe the hours of Sa'd and Nahs have been crystallized. Is.


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