Clergy's Positions against Rezakhani Republic

Document Type : ..


1 Assistant Professor in History, Imam Khomeini International University

2 M.A. Student in Iran's Islamic History, Imam Khomeini International University


Twenty years after the establishment of constitutional government in Iran and simultaneously with head minister of Reza khan we can see the being discussion about establishment of republic government in Iran. The autocratic power loss of Qajar kings after establishment the constitutional regime played an important role in this field. By limiting the king's powers, the Qajar governors lacked the necessary power for suppression of opinions and ideas of political repression. Weakness of the Qajar kings reached a peak at the Ahmad Shah period.
At this period strong organizational of Raeis-al-vozaraei of Reza khan emerged besides the demise of the monarchy. This new organization followed to convert Iran to republical regime at that point. Some of religiouses disagreed with republic regime with religious reasons. Because they knew equivalent republicational system with secularism. Such uncertainty (doubts) when it was created in the clergy's thought that neighboring country (Turkey) regime established and were figure secularism symbols.
This paper sought to answer of main question with descriptive and analytical method. The main question is: how did the clergy reaction against republicational of Reza khan? The next question is: what issues were dissension between Reza khan and Saied Hassan Modarres?
Based on our assumption, the refugee clergys were uncertainty their situation in Najaf because of Faisal government which proteged by Great Britain. They wanted to maintain Reza khan power as a protector in Iran Shiites. But some of clergys whom led by Modarres were dashed Reza khan plans and caused failure republicational schedume.
The second hypothesis will: the main conflict between Modarres and Reza khan on new regime illegitimacy based on constitutional law-military regime of Qazaghs (Cossack) was inconsistent with constitutional law and constitutional regime and republicational was not based on will of the people.
