Esfahan Roads Safety in the Years Following the Constitution (1906-1914)

Document Type : ..


1 Ph.D Student in Local History, University of Isfahan

2 Associate Professor in History, University of Isfahan


After The Constitutional Revolution is carried out, because of gap in the authority and because of political and social factors, it experienced a slow and complicated transition from previous security system to a new situation, and during this transition, it faced extensive insecurity in the roads. This paper examines the situation in the region of Esfahan.
The study showed that the condition of the roads in Isfahan, immediately after The Constitutional Revolution until World War I, became very insecure and despite the efforts of city governor, provincial association and central authorities in Tehran, insecurity is continued. It affects people lives, so it caused displeasure and the change of the view of some of them, especially traders, about the constitution system.
The study is based on news and contents of the newspapers published in Isfahan after the Constitutional Revolution. Refer to these resources to show the real space and dramatization of the works and results of the insecurity is more appropriate than resources like memories or state documents.
