Russia's role in the defeat of Sheikh Obaidullah Shamzini's movement

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1 Assistant Professor of History, University of Tabriz

2 History, Law and Social science, University of Tabriz


Abstract: One of the movements that took place during the reign of Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar and created a large scale and fear in the structure of the Qajar government was the movement of Sheikh Obaidullah Shamzini or Nahri (1880/1297). This movement was, in fact, an uprising of the lower classes against the status quo and a reformist attempt to show the inefficiency of the Qajar government. In relation to international politics, the Sheikh's lack of strategy and ignorance of the facts and requirements of international politics can be cited as factors in the movement's failure. Among foreign countries, the Russians played an important role in the failure of this political movement. This study seeks to answer the question of what role Russia played in the defeat of Sheikh Obaidullah's movement and how did it cause Sheikh Obaidullah's movement to fail? Based on the results of the present study; To further its interests, Russia opposed the movement and supported the Ottomans and Iran, as well as pursuing a policy of understanding and cooperation with the United Kingdom in the fight against the British movement, for fear of increasing British influence among the Kurds and jeopardizing its interests. The lack of political maturity of the leader of the movement in attracting the attention of the great powers, especially Russia, on the one hand, and the conflict between the formation of Kurdistan and Russia's Middle East strategy, on the other hand, made Russia play an important role in defeating Sheikh Obaidullah Shamzini's movement. Using first-hand and original sources and new research and Persian, Turkish and Kurdish documents and using descriptive-explanatory methods, this article seeks to provide a different analysis of Russia's role in the movement of Sheikh Obaidullah Shamzini.


مقالات لاتین
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