The Life and Thoughts of Seyyed Mohammad Hamidi, editor of the Kurdistan newspaper

Document Type : ..


1 Enghelab St. Payam St. No:28 Sirwan e - Boukan Agency. Boukan, West Azarbaijan Prov.Iran

2 Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran


The declaration of the Republic of Kurdistan in Mahabad in 1324, after the Russians refused to leave Iran during World War II, was an important event at that time that had a significant impact on both the development of the country and on the future. Kurdistan newspaper is one of the valuable resources for reviewing, analyzing and criticizing the events of this period. Meanwhile, Seyyed Mohammad Hamidi as editor of the newspaper has played an important role in the publication and orientation of the newspaper. Based on the qualitative discourse analysis model of Norman Fairclough, this article analyses the role and influence of Seyyed Mohammad Hamidi in the Kurdistan newspaper by analyseing five of his selected articles in Kurdistan. The key question is, what is the starting point of the issues that Seyyed Mohammad Hamidi raises in his articles? From the point of view of discourse, what discourse or discourses did Seyyed Mohammad Hamidi introduce or follow in his articles? Is it possible to infer from the discourse of Seyyed Mohammad Hamidi the discourse of government against the central government? The most important issues raised by Mr Hamidi are Kurdish and Iranian nationalism, and the discourses of freedom, democracy and Kurdish nationalism are the most important ones he has raised. In the texts reviewed, anti-government discourse cannot be deduced from the content of the articles.


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