The Foundation and Structure of the Legislation and Representation System in the Views of Parliamentarian Scholars (With the Centrality of the View of Sheikh Mohammad Hossein Naeini and Sheikh Esmaeel Mahallati)

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1 M. A. in Political Science, Tabriz University

2 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Tabriz University


Constitutional revolution is considered as a new stage in Iran's social and political history. Following this revolution, some modern notions and perspectives took place in the country's political arena. The constitutional revolution is the outcome of the will of the Iranian society in order to make most of its ideals and mental products concrete. One of these notions was the legislation and the other was the representation that in the shade of the establishment of the national council parliament became salient. This article aims at investigating this system's foundations and structure from the viewpoint of the recent parliamentarian scholars. So the centrality of this article, in order to have a better organization and objectivity, is on the views of two important current scholars who are sheikh Mohammad Hussein Gharovi Naeini and especially his book “tanbih alomma va tanzih alamella” and sheikh Esmaeel Mahallati and his book “al laeali almarbotah fi alvojob almashrootah”.
