Theoretical reasons of links between pragmatic politics and worldly religion of Sasanians by studying literary evidence of imperial treasures of Sasanian Empire

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1 Assistant professor/University of Isfahan

2 Graduated from the History Department of Tehran University



The Sassanians’ tendency to the wealth of the court and magnificent treasures related with their approach to worldly life which was reflected in the structure of their power and their worldview. This issue was also influenced by the new global conditions and internal developments.The most important consequence of this approach at the end of Sasanian Empire was their tendency to concentrate the power and wealth by removing powerful local landowners and making them as peasants or small landowners. This issue made the Sasanian court as the focus of wealth accumulation, so that there is no instance in any other periods like this. This issue, especially during Khosrow II, shows that the concentration of wealth led to the emergence of a rich treasury. The examples are in the books of historians of the Islamic period.In this paper it is aimed to study the approach of this empire to wealthand pomp on the basis of religious beliefs, relying on numerous literary evidence from Sasanian and post-Sasanian period about the treasures with descriptive-analytical method.


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