The study of attitudes of Tha'alibi's historiography

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1 asistant professor department of history birjand university

2 associate professor department of history birjand university



In this article, Tha'alibi's historiography features are examined in four areas of cultural, political, social and religious beliefs. The findings of this research show which Tha'alibi in Ghorar al-akhbaar has done with a politicized approach to writing history. But in Yatimat al-dahr, as a new type of cultural Tabaqaat writing, it has been devoted to writing history. Tha'alibi in Ghorar al-akhbaar, tried to distance from narrative method; but attention to the interests of the audience has prevented explanation and and analysis. Also criticism of sources and historians are considered important trait in Tha'alibi's historiography. In belief approach, fidelity had a great influence on his history and the spread of Ash'aric words has been effective in exacerbating this. Tha'alibi is dealing with other religions, the historian has been impartial. According to the subject the research methodology is descriptive and analytical, which utilizes historical research methodology.


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