This ritual of mourning the Anatolian motifs Tatarli and Comparison with Shahnameh and Cottale ceremony in the western part of Iran

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During human life, mourning and burial rituals have always been a good status. So that this behavior reflects many of the principles of religious literature and the social, cultural, historical and mythological peoples and nations. The extent of the Achaemenid Empire, the vast cultural diversity in the country has created subsidiaries, However, in common is among them can be seen as a result of various factors.
 Achaemenid domain, cultural diversity, has created a subsidiary in the territory. Region of Asia Saghir, one of the major states of the Achaemenids. In these areas,Tomolus, engraved illustrations of the this period there. Paintings from tombs Tatarli, with the themes of war and mourning, researchers have been paying attention. The cultural behavior in mourning at the death of the old fictional characters, such as Shahnameh as a ritual, is visible. The West's rural areas today, in mourning the great personalities, we witnessed a special ceremony called Cottale. The funeral of different cultures have always had a special place. This study tries to approach to archeology and anthropology, to compare the behavior of their culture. The purpose of this research is the foundation of the historical and descriptive method and data collection was undertaken by the library. The results of studies to the current cultural of ancient times to the present day, in a vast geographical area and to preserve the continuity of the structure and general changes made in it.
