رمان تاریخی، تاریخ یا رمان؟ (شکل شناسی و بررسی ساختار روایی دررمان تاریخی)

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A historical novel is a form of story-like narrative which is a combination of story and history. Accordingly, we cannot easily comment whether, within this framework, it is the history that isbeing focused on by the author—as all the story’s elements are employed in the service of the historian—or history simplyplays an incidental role at the back stage of the story. The best exampleof the mixture of history and story can be observed in these types of novel. In this narrative framework, outstanding historical figures, course of events, and previous eras are re-constructed. In view of that, since it engages with the past, it is considered history.However, as it engages with elaboration of events via narrative and storytelling elements, it is a story/narrative. In fact, as a historical novel tends to express the past events, it follows narrative patterns.If we examine these types of novels, we recognize that they chiefly concentrate on the “past”; in other words, they convey a message about the “past” in retrospection.The present research, through utilizing library-oriented research method and descriptive-analytic approach, clarifies the morphology of the structure of historical novels and studies the mixture of the two elements of narrative and historywithin this framework.
