Abū Rayhān-e Birunī and the Problem of Iranian Identity

Document Type : ..


1 Ph.D in History, Tarbiat Moderes University, Tehran

2 Assistan Professor, Tarbiat Moderes University, Tehran

3 Professor of Political Sciences, University of Tehran

4 Assistant Professor of Social Sciences, University of Tehran


Arab conquest of Iran had conspicuous effects on Iranian identity and in some cases changed it radically. As a matter of fact, following this event some constitutive elements of Iranian identity such as “homeland/geography”, “Persian state”, and even more important one, i.e. “religion” -a crucial element of ancient Persian identity- suffered fundamental changes. Iranian confrontation with this identity crisis crystallized in different forms which might classify to three general categories: pro-Iranians, pro-Islamic Iranians, and Islamic-Iranians. In this paper we will enumerate the “pro-Islamic” group’s main characteristics and then, we will give an analytical survey of Abū Rayhān’s ideas about “identity” and will examine his “Islamic identity” according to his works.
